Past Events

The Homegrowns - smokin' hot reggae & ska

Rok Zeleznik and his Homegrowns opened our concert season with a smoking hot hot show featuring a big phat horn section and endless energy.  They keep the audience grooving until well past midnight.  Hot hot hot show!!  You shoulda been there.

Neighbor Appreciation Night

For all the food, love and support our neighbors have so generously provided since we arrived, we wanted to give back something.  Since Slovenians are always up for a party, we decided to host the entire villages of Počakovo and Svibno for what we dubbed; "Neighbor Appreciation Night".  Yes, it was a blast and went on until the wee hours of the morning.  Not a bad time was had by all !

James Van Leewan - Barn Concert

Our dear friend James from Alberta Canada came to spend a few weeks at Pristava Počakovo and as a roaming troubadour, there is no way we could let him escape without a show of his rootsy soulful Canadian country-folk musical story-telling.  So we setup a stage in the barn and invited our friends and neighbors to a wonderful evening of his deep baritone voice and brand new guitar.  A real special treat.

Pristava Pocakovo Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Every year, Pristava Počakovo invites kids from Počakovo and neighboring villages to frolic the grounds and find Easter treats hidden all around the property.  

Healthy Forest Day

Every year, Joze Prah invites neighbors far and wide to a day celebrating the natural beauty, economic sustenance and biological miracle of Slovenia's rich forest heritage.  With skits and songs by kids from surrounding schools, tips for local forest owners and guided hikes for the adults, we hosted 100+ people for a full day of forest fun.

Micka se Moži

We were honored to host the past production of Anton Tomaz Linhart's Micka se Moži in our natural amphitheater meadow.  It was the perfect setting for this hilarious traditional Slovenian play.  The cast was excellent and guests apprecaitive.  Well done Katja, Tomaz, Rok & Crew!